If This Does Not Qualify as Economic Treason, Why?


Comment: Yes, taxes are going through the roof but, when you need a doctor specialist, for example, a dermatologist, you can’t have one or you are being put on the waiting list for months. This, in the context of accellerated turbo cancers, is unacceptable. Many illnesses, when not treated soon, may become chronic or malignant and this renders late treatment useless. But the government has already cashed our taxes and did not give us a choice. This looks like a deliberate denial of service that we have already paid for. Does it look like a criminal extortion of money?

Doctors, on the other hand, are given a choice and they still charge the government for “specialist’s” appontments. They are getting paid. They tell their patients, “We don’t deal with these symptoms anymore, go somewhere else.” Why? Because they now do the cosmetic and laser surgeries – that’s where the money is. They don’t have time for patients that are genuinely ill. There is no priority waiting system based on severity of suspected illnesses. These doctors should be taken their specialization and their licenses away. It is unacceptable. We don’t want to pay for this. It looks like a deliberate destruction of health care. This government has let it happen on their watch. They could have prevented it, they have the tools.

In response to Chystia Freeland: What impact will it have on politics? Chrystia, do not spread misinformation. Western sanctions and wars for pipeline corridors have destroyed Russia’s gas and oil exports to Europe but, at the same time, have opened Russian energy markets in China and India. We have pushed Russia and China to become close allies and this was stupid, to say the least.

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