Watch the first 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump

Comment: Mr. Biden, you know nothing about the history of the conflict in Ukraine and you should not be making a fool of yourself repeating propaganda like a parrot. Just like Mr. Trump seems to know nothing about the history of the conflict between Palestinians and Israel. Each of you has an agenda that you are pushing, an agenda that has not much to do with the truth. Putin’s reaction to eastward expansion of NATO was no different than president Kennedy’s reaction to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. As to the Middle East, how can Israel invoke self-defense, if the occupation itself is an aggression and the illegal annexation of Palestinian territories constitutes an armed robbery? (This includes East Jerusalem, BTW.) During your presidency, Mr. Trump, you have signed into law Bill 447, which was a legal mumbo-jumbo contrary even to the US own laws. You did it in spite of a huge support you received from the Polish-American community in the 2016 presidential election. Fool me once … fool me twice …?

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